
G98 スマートウォッチ

G98 スマートウォッチ

G98 AMOLED Bluetooth call smart watch

G98, is a smartwatch that is a wearable computing device that is capable of running apps, sending and receiving calls, and accessing data on your smartphone. It’s a smartwatch that not just can help you monitor your heart rate, body temperature, stress levels, sleep patterns, and other health factors. It has the ability to track your daily steps, is a useful and convenient accessory that can help you live your best life.

As the leading smart watch supplier for retailers, Ruzen offers a range of innovative smartwatches at competitive prices. We only work with the highest quality materials and manufacturers to ensure that our products meet the strictest standards of performance and reliability. Get in touch with us to become a reseller today.



G99 AMOLED ブルートゥース通話スマートウォッチ

心拍数モニタリング、血中酸素モニタリング、複数のスポーツモード、通話、メッセージ、ソーシャルメディアアラート通知、複数のUI言語などです。Ruzen G99は、3.7V/250mAhのバッテリーを搭載し、通常使用で4~6日間、スタンバイで25日間使用できます。
